PelvicTool Home & Sport: your pelvic floor trainer for the prevention of incontinence and bladder weakness

We can’t promise miracles. But the fact is: a muscle that is trained is stronger than an untrained one.

When the pelvic floor gives out

It usually starts with a few droplets of urine when laughing, sneezing or coughing. In more advanced stages, urine passes with every movement without sufferers feeling the need to urinate. Bladder weakness can also manifest itself in a sudden, strong and/or very frequent urge to urinate. The psychological stress of urinary and faecal incontinence is enormous – . Incontinence is still a taboo subject. Urinary incontinence in particular is a widespread phenomenon at an older age, in women as well as in men. However, silence does not help: those affected must become active in order to regain their quality of life.


“Controlled elimination is dependent on healthy pelvic floor muscles.”
Marcel Haas

Lecturer in Anatomy at the St. Gallen Medical School (sgmf)

How does incontinence develop?

Risk factors for incontinence include advancing age, obesity, congenital connective tissue weakness, and heavy physical labor. In women, moreover, the number of pregnancies and especially vaginal births.

All the above factors strain and damage the pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for the reliable closure of the orifices. Men usually come into contact with the subject later, but from the age of about 75 incontinence occurs just as frequently in them as in women.

Incontinence means loss of control

What are the psychological effects of incontinence? Thoughts increasingly and all too often revolve around the question of whether the next toilet can be reached quickly enough. Wearing incontinence products such as pads often results in shame, dejection and anger. Social contacts, hobbies, everyday activities, physical activity, leisure activities of all kinds and sexual life suffer.

How can incontinence be treated?

Incontinence is by no means something that those affected have to accept as fate. Many women and men are embarrassed to talk to a doctor about urinary or fecal incontinence. This inhibition should definitely be overcome, because the situation can often be significantly improved with the right guidance.

A first and in many cases extremely helpful option is pelvic floor training: On the one hand, patients learn how to relieve the strain on their pelvic floor in everyday life, for example how to lift and carry correctly. On the other hand, targeted exercises are carried out to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and make them more aware.

„I like to use the PelvicTool Home & Sport as a supplement in specialised pelvic floor physiotherapy. The playful approach motivates patients and offers a welcome change to everyday therapy.“

Esther Rancan

Certified physiotherapist FH, Pelvic floor physiotherapy pelviccare

Your pelvic floor trainer

Simple and effective pelvic floor training for women and men.

How does the training with the Pelvic Tool work?

Many people do not feel their pelvic floor muscles and cannot consciously control the sphincters. Here, biofeedback training such as that offered by the PelvicTool can provide good results. In this process, the body’s reaction to certain exercises is made visible via a visual representation. In this way, you as a practitioner can see whether you are tensing or relaxing the correct muscles. The training is done sitting on the PelvicTool by tensing the pelvic floor, holding the tension and releasing the tension.
Training with the PelvicTool is very simple: You sit down in light clothing such as leggings or jogging pants with a straight, steady posture on the seat cushion with the sensor tube. In thePelvicTool app start the desired training program.

In the training you will learn to tense your pelvic floor muscles, to hold the tension and to relax the pelvic floor again.

pelvic floor trainier advantages

Can I try the PelvicTool before buying it?

The medically certified PelvicTool technology has already been used successfully for years in physiotherapies, pelvic floor courses and fitness centers. If you want to try the PelvicTool Home & Sport before buying, we recommend a rental at our sales partner, Parsenn-Produkte AG. (only valid for customers in Switzerland)

Pelvic floor training: investment in your health!

To sustainably strengthen and control the pelvic floor muscles, you can’t avoid training regularly, over years. Pain-free training is particularly important, which is why the PelvicTool is equipped with an ergonomic seat and a pleasantly soft sensor tube. And best of all: the investment in the pelvic floor trainer is all the more worthwhile because the intimate-free training device can also be used by your partner – because everyone benefits from trained pelvic floor muscles!
Order your pelvic floor trainer comfortably and discreetly at home.…











Simply train at home

With the PelvicTool Home & Sport you can train when, where and how often you want. The digital pelvic floor training device is characterized by very simple operation and high comfort.

Das Training erfolgt auf dem PelvicTool sitzend, mittels Anspannen des Beckenbodens, Halten der Anspannung und Nachlassen der Anspannung. Even small contractions affect the pleasantly soft sensor tube and are displayed as a training result via app on your smartphone or tablet.

PelvicTool App

Why do I need the PelvicTool app?

The app makes visible what lies hidden! The pelvic floor muscles are located inside the body. This makes it difficult to judge whether the right muscles are being tensed during training. Especially at the beginning of training, active neuromuscular control is usually limited. The app provides a remedy, because it enables visual training control. With the PelvicTool app, exercise sequences can be set individually so that the pelvic floor is strengthened in a very targeted manner.

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